The Firm
PayEx is a consortium of experts from the payments industry with the knowledge and experience to give you the tools you need to elevate your business to the next level. The members of PayEx have been involved in the planning and execution of some of the most dynamic, industry changing events over the past 20 years. PayEx members have worked in all areas of the acquiring payments industry and combine real world experience with a track record of proven success.
As our name indicates, PayEx brings you . . . .
“Payments Industry Experts”
With more than 100 years combined experience invested in the payments industry, we deliver additional senior management expertise and direction to our client’s management team in a partnership approach. We deliver actionable solutions that produce dynamic and enduring economic results.
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Square.....very exciting, growing fast and it is amazing how this company has been able to move the associations from their traditional position on certain merchant verticals. I know it looks great and the idea of going after the consumer with a payment product makes good of sense. Howev...
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